30 March

Bead Soup!

I can't wait for my partner Pam Hurst to get her box. I think it should arrive tomorrow at her house. Yay! Then I can show you  what I sent! I need to get working and put some things together now!
So, here is what she sent to me. It is fabulous!

First, a pic of the whole grouping. Chunky carnelian, beautiful labradorite, round pearls, citrine squares, aquamarine squares, amethyst, moonstone, hematite, and some lovely shell beads that blend perfectly!
But this is her specialty! Sterling PMC pendants and it is gorgeous! It is almost 1.5 inches and has a sweet nameplate on the back with the name of her new line - sparkles. it gives fabulous weight to the piece!  WOW! Look and drool.


  1. the carnelian is so nice but the pendant sparks

  2. Such an interesting mix, love the labradorite and the orange stones!

  3. I think the orange carnelian and the purple amethyst are my fav stones. I may have to make an orange and purple bracelet!


December Full Moon: Oak Moon Mala Bracelet

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