07 December

Bead Hoarders Bog Hop

I always love this blog hop and I AM a huge bead hoarder. Lol.  I have a whole crowded room full of beads and lampwork bead making supplies. needless to say I love beads. :o)

This first bracelet is very special to me. First of all I love the celini spiral used to make the seed bead portion of it. I used rich matte brown and accented those with rosy light brown beads. But the most important part is the lampwork focal bead. It was made by another lampwork artist , Shawn, using boro glass which I don't work in. I bought them from her at a show here in town several years ago. I had  a 10 year old dog at the time that I was very close with. She was the love of my life. She had been sick and had surgery for cancer. I was hopeful that we would have more time together as she recovered and after a month I thought she would like an outing. We went to the craft show together where I bought these beautiful beads. She waited in the car as I viewed all the fab art at the Webb School Annual craft show where I bought a set of these beads. I got back out to my car and my Jasmine and I took a walk through a wooded area surrounding the school. We explored a stream and listened to animals rustle in the dry grass. She thoroughly enjoyed it. We had a big day and went home satisfied. That night turned out to be her last. These beads mark that wonderful day for me and I am forever grateful that she had such a wonderful last day. Don't be sad though. Three years later I  met and adopted another funny, sweet and wonderful doggie that has the same markings Jasmine had and my heart began to heal. So, now this bracelet is a sign of joy.

The next two pieces are made with lampwork beads that I made. They are probably around 18mm and were made before I had tools to help shape beads. So, they are hand shaped and I was pleased with the donut shape but they also have three layers to them. So, for me they were challenging. Encasing is tricky in itself and then I challenged myself to add ( woops)  surface decoration.  First a base layer of opaque glass, then they are encased in a corresponding color of transparent glass and then polka dots on the surface! I waited forever to decide to use them but finally did and now I want to make more of these polka dot beads! lol
Now off to blog hop and see all the pretties everyone one else has made.


  1. I love what you made and your wonderful memories really do make that first bracelet one to treasure, such a beautiful design for such special beads!

  2. It is good to have joy in your life and I am glad you have found it. The bracelet is spectacular- I love both the seed bead work and the lampwork bead which is stunning. The donut is beautiful and the polka dots fun and the necklaces are both wonderful. I hope you find much joy every time you put on your new bracelet.

  3. Your bracelet is an awesome tribute to Jasmine, so so pretty as I am sure she was. Lovely pieces!

  4. Your pieces are beautiful. I love that spiral rope and the story behind that bracelet.

  5. Okay, I have teary eyes after reading your story. So sorry for your loss. Your tribute bracelet is gorgeous. The spiral weave with the matte brown beads really showcase that focal bead in a stunning way.

  6. What a beautiful story, which I can relate to. I lost my puppy last year and I still miss her. I'm happy for you that you have a new puppy to heal your heart. I absolutely love the bracelet. The beadwork and the lampwork bead (clasp) are a beautiful combination.

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your story. Beautiful beads and even more beautiful pieces.

  8. Hi Patty, Your Jasmine bracelet is wonderful. Thanx for sharing that story. The donut that you made is totally AWESOME and your design showcases it perfectly.

  9. I love what you made, but can I say I would gladly steal everything in your banner? You have a great eye!!!!

    Thank you so much for participating, and don't forget to post your pieces in the special Pinterest board, http://www.pinterest.com/limamike/bead-hoarders-blog-hop/

    Plus, join the Facebook group (also welcome to your friends) www.BeadSoupCafe.com -- hope to see you at other hops!

  10. Thank you to everyone for commenting. It really means alot to me. And Lori, Wow! thanks for the great compliment. I love your hops!


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